We have made our first update to our Terms & Conditions of Service in over a year, moving from version 1.0.4a to 1.0.5. As the version number suggests, it’s a minor update, but as we have done in the past, we’re making an announcement about it just because we don’t want there to be any ambiguity about it. (This is our “attempt to notify you through reasonable means when the TACOS change.”)
Continue reading Fresh TACOS…
We love our members. I have proof.
We received this in our inbox a bit ago. Somehow it made it past the spam filter, and we just couldn’t turn it away. It’s not “real” spam since they do appear to be a legitimate company, for some minimal definition of “legitimate.” But it absolutely was unsolicited commercial email, and we really would rather not have received it at our operational support address.
Continue reading We love our members. I have proof….
So many categories
So few posts. Until we’ve got posts in every category we’ve posted this one to all of them, so you can see what’s in store and subscribe to the feeds you want before you miss anything.
If this is the only post you see in a category, it just means the category hasn’t been assigned any real posts yet.
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