Unlimited free bandwidth!* (*Some limitations apply.)
We’ve been hard at work behind the scenes developing the next-generation of our core hosting technology, and we’re ready to move it to public testing. It has some exciting new features:
- TLS enhancements
- HTTP/2 support
- Automatic gzip compression
- Major Access Control List (ACL) improvements
- Shared IP blacklist support
- Websockets support
- Wildcard alias support
To encourage people to help us test out the new stuff, we’re exempting participating HTTP requests from bandwidth charges for the duration of the test. You can opt-in to the test for a particular site by selecting the “Use Free Beta Bandwidth” action on the Site Information panel for that site in our member interface. That page has all the fine print about the test, which mostly cover two central points:
- Reminding people that it is a test and things might not work.
- Clarifying that although there is no fixed limit to the amount of bandwidth a site can use under this test, there is a “floating” limit: don’t cause problems.
This test (and the free bandwidth) will run through at least March 15th, 2016.
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