Domain prices increasing October 12, renew now!
As you may be aware, most registries have announced they are increasing prices by the maximum their contracts with ICANN will allow. We’ve finally received information about when and how this change will affect us.
On October 12th, our pricing for all the top-level domains we support will increase from $7.50/year to $7.99/year for all domain registrations, renewals, and transfers. All other pricing, including RespectMyPrivacy.COM, will remain the same.
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Just say “no” to blog spam
In an earlier blog post, I wrote about some of the benefits we’ve reaped from our facility move. Here’s a cool concrete example of those changes at work.
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Facility move post-mortem analysis
It has been a little over two weeks since our facility move. I believe at some point we promised some post-mortem analysis of what went right and what went wrong, and here it is.
The outcome of the move is a success. All of our core hardware is in one place, it is all working, and we are in a better position to grow and expand than we have ever been.
Continue reading Facility move post-mortem analysis…
Planned downtime for Monday, September 10
On Monday, September 10, 2007 at around noon Arizona time (3pm Eastern, 7pm UTC), we will temporarily shut down our entire network to complete a migration of our equipment to a new datacenter. We anticipate that it will take four to eight hours to complete the move. All our services will be offline during that time.
Continue reading Planned downtime for Monday, September 10…
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