PHP 4 and Apache 1.3 end-of-life
This is just a short announcement to let people know that both PHP 4 and Apache 1.3 are well past their supported lifetimes from the developers. We’ve been maintaining them internally (updated as recently as last week), but it’s getting more and more difficult; our development resources are not unlimited and our efforts in this area are veering dangerously close to necromancy.
Both Apache 2.3 and PHP 5.4 are on the horizon, and we think it will best support our members if we focus more on developing new technology and less on reanimating zombies.
As a result, we are now warning those customers who are still using server types based on PHP 4 and/or Apache 1.3 that they should upgrade their site type to a newer version (the current default is Apache 2.2 with PHP 5.3) as soon as possible. Anytime after January 1, 2012, we may start performing involuntary upgrades on sites still using these outdated technologies.
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