MySQL FreeBSD 7 ZFS Beta update & MySQL upgrades
Some time ago, we announced a beta test of MySQL running on FreeBSD 7 using the experimental ZFS filesystem. We’ve now concluded that beta test, and I wanted to let you know the results.
Here’s the executive summary: FreeBSD 7 is, by and large, great for us and we will be aggressively deploying it throughout our network in the near future. ZFS is also great, but while it definitely has a future on our network someday, this is not that day.
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UPDATED: Domain registration price increases September 30th
It’s that time of year again. The leaves start to turn. The nights get a little cooler. And the domain registry operators gratuitously raise their prices, because ICANN apparently sent Homer Simpson to negotiate their contracts. We received notice of the specific effects on us today.
Effective September 30th, 2008, our prices for domain registrations, transfers, and renewals in our supported TLDs (com, net, org, biz, info & name) will increase from $7.99 to $8.59 per domain per year.
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Scheduled Maintenance: IP Renumbering In Progress
We are in the process of renumbering out of our current IP addresses and into a larger block of addresses. The effect of this change will be better routing performance and more room for us to grow and expand our service.
Continue reading Scheduled Maintenance: IP Renumbering In Progress…
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