Public and member UI sites scheduled downtime today
We will need to take some of our internal servers down briefly today: a couple of times for about 10 minutes each between 6pm and 10pm Arizona time (1am and 5am UTC).
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Surprise WordPress Upgrade
We received a note from Technorati today about a serious security problem with old versions of WordPress, including the version we were running, that is now being exploited on a widespread scale. We’ve thus hastily upgraded to WordPress 2.5. That did cause a brief bit of disruption to the “News & Announcements” portion of our member site, which is now resolved.
If you want to run WordPress, you too may want to check whether you’re running the most current version with the latest patches. Better safe than sorry!
Contest to redesign our public website!
If you’ve ever seen our public website, you may have notice that it… (cough) blows. We’d like to fix that but, well, we don’t exactly have an impressive track record of award-winning web design. We’re also chronically short on available time. Thus, we’ve decided to throw a redesign out there as a contest for anyone who thinks they can do a better job. (And if you don’t think you can do a better job, please consider self-esteem classes.)
Continue reading Contest to redesign our public website!…
Major Reliability Upgrade / Scheduled Downtime
I’m pleased to report that we have completed the roll-out of upgrades to our master database server and front-end servers that will allow fully distributed operation. The primary effect of this is that in the event of a critical failure of our master database, your hosted sites will continue to operate.
Continue reading Major Reliability Upgrade / Scheduled Downtime…
Bug with MSNBot/1.1
Recently, Microsoft announced the release of MSNBot/1.1, which is designed to save bandwidth and improve their search rankings. We applaud this effort. However, we’ve discovered what we believe to be a bug in MSNBot/1.1.
Continue reading Bug with MSNBot/1.1…
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