It’s the end of the day for us (well, really, it’s never the end of the day, we just say that so that we can go sleep some time), but this post is the beginning of our weblog.
I’ve had the pleasure of working on the support staff here for some time. Our members (that’s you) are some of the most savvy, good-humored and creative people I’ve encountered, and we’re thrilled that you’ve decided to make your virtual home with us. We hope this blog will allow us to keep you well-informed about what we’re up to, what’s coming along, and what we think of what’s going on beyond the bits and bytes that flow through our own little corner of the Internet world.
The Internet does, indeed, touch most of the world in some way, directly or indirectly, and free access to this unparalleled means of expression and connection is no longer optional to the sustainability of a just and open society anywhere. What we don’t know can hurt us, and when we can’t speak, it hurts everyone.
We’ve got plenty to say about this on our main site, and we’ll have plenty more to say about it here. In addition, we’ll be keeping you current with the improvements we’re constantly making to your service, the status of our network, changes to our policies, and providing tips, tricks, and humor—if there are two things that can’t be done to excess, they’re know-how and laughter.
We also encourage you to get in on the conversation: We all do better when we learn from each other, so step up and pitch in with your thoughts, ideas and suggestions. We’re listening.
Bookmark this page, or better yet, take advantage of our blog-wide RSS syndication (see the link at the bottom of any page) or category-specific feeds in the sidebar for just those topics you want to watch closely.
Welcome, and have fun. We know we will.
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