Comments on: MySQL pricing changes effective 1/1/2007 A blog from the staff at NearlyFreeSpeech.NET. Wed, 21 Feb 2007 01:45:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: rclimb514 Wed, 21 Feb 2007 01:45:41 +0000 The pricing scheme is fair, but I wish there had been more notification. I had a dormant account that I haven’t checked for months after a project stopped, and I had no clue the billing changed until I logged in today and realized that my balance was somewhat lower than I remembered. For the most part, it seems ok to announce changes on the site (I’m all for email reduction), but it seems reasonable to email your customer base to inform about billing changes, particularly since we don’t get ‘real’ bills.


This change was announced a full month in advance, and our site has indicated that a MySQL charge was inevitable for several years prior to that. If you want to receive email notifications of News & Announcements, you can set that up from your Email Notification Preference panel in the member interface. -jdw

By: Justin Sun, 11 Feb 2007 18:20:57 +0000 Chris,

You could always switch to PMWiki instead of MediaWiki. PMWiki is similar, but seems to be a bit easier to use and doesn’t use MySQL, but instead stores everything in a Flat File. It might be worth checking out.

By: Robert Reese Tue, 06 Feb 2007 21:40:39 +0000 I’m not sure *why* people are complaining. At the absolute maximum is going to cost $1.24 per month for the most aggregious users, and an average of only 30 cents per month for the other 90% of people using a single MySQL process.

And if that’s too much, just get rid of your MySQL database. Or, break into your child’s piggy bank.


By: Sean Crago Sun, 04 Feb 2007 03:40:08 +0000 Will SQLite be affected? ie. do you care about the number of processes for anything other than MySQL?

By: Chris Fri, 19 Jan 2007 04:05:31 +0000 Hm, I thought there was a MySQL fee and then a InnoDB fee on top of that – thus $0.02/day. I guess I should check the forum… sorry. 🙂

That’s correct, which is why eliminating InnoDB but leaving MySQL only saves $0.01/day. However, see this forum topic, which shows how to convert MediaWiki away from InnoDB without breaking it. -jdw

Edit: Turns out that last bit may not be true. See the forum topic for full details!

By: Chris Thu, 18 Jan 2007 03:07:08 +0000 Is there an alternative to MediaWiki that doesn’t incur the same dB premium charges? My site has very little traffic as it is, but I am now paying 3X the amount for it just because of the extra 2 cents a day for the InnoDB issue. It’s still a good deal… but a better deal for someone who’s really getting more traffic. I just use MW for the easy CMS it provides and I’m to lazy lately to maintain a proper web site.

InnoDB is only $0.01/day. As for alternatives, that is probably a question best suited for our forums, where everyone can respond. -jdw

By: luckyclover Sun, 14 Jan 2007 12:24:44 +0000 YAY! Thank you NFSN for making additional MySQL databases available.

By: lj Tue, 09 Jan 2007 20:33:58 +0000 When reviewing activity on my account, I see the MySQL charges if I look at Daily Detail, but they don’t seem to be included in the Daily Summary totals. Has this not been updated yet for the new charges, or am I just missing something?

The accounting reports are a little weak currently, but we’re putting together some new code that should improve them all-around in the very near future. -jdw

By: Matthijs van der Vleuten Thu, 04 Jan 2007 15:17:28 +0000 The MySQL part of the entry ‘How exactly are storage charges calculated?’ also needs a bit of attention.

Got that one too. 🙂 Thanks! -jdw

By: Matthijs van der Vleuten Thu, 04 Jan 2007 11:10:36 +0000 The Non-Member FAQ entry ‘How many MySQL databases can I have?’ might also need an update.

Done, thanks! -jdw
